Difference between SMB and CIFS

SMB (Server Message Block) and CIFS (Common Internet File System) are network file-sharing protocols allowing users to access and share files and directories over a network. While they have similarities, there are significant differences between them:

  1. Naming: SMB is the original protocol developed by Microsoft for file sharing in Windows environments. Conversely, CIFS is an enhanced version of SMB developed by Microsoft and other vendors to provide improved compatibility and security.
  2. Platforms: SMB is used primarily in Windows operating systems, while CIFS is designed to be platform-independent and can be used on most operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Unix.
  3. Protocol Versions: SMB has undergone several versions, including SMB1 (CIFS) and SMB2, SMB3, etc. CIFS is considered a development on top of SMB1, providing improvements and enhancements.
  4. Port Numbers: SMB uses port numbers 445 (TCP and UDP) to communicate. CIFS, an older term, is often associated with using port 139 (NetBIOS over TCP/IP) or 445.
  5. Feature Set: CIFS introduced additional features and enhancements over the original SMB protocol. These enhancements include support for larger file sizes, improved security mechanisms (such as encrypted authentication), support for Unicode characters in filenames, and better interoperation with non-Windows systems.
  6. Protocol Interchangeability: SMB and CIFS are similar enough to be used interchangeably in many cases. For example, Windows systems often refer to CIFS when accessing file shares, even though the underlying protocol may be SMB.
  7. Legacy Considerations: While CIFS is an enhanced version of SMB, the term CIFS is often associated with older implementations and is less commonly used today. Most modern file-sharing implementations leverage more recent versions of SMB, such as SMB2 or SMB3.

Overall, the critical differences between SMB and CIFS are their platform compatibility, naming, versions, port numbers, feature sets, and historical usage. However, it’s important to note that for most practical purposes, SMB and CIFS can be considered similar, with CIFS being an older term commonly used to refer to the SMB1 protocol.



