How to start a cybersecurity career


To start a cybersecurity career, you need to know what it is and how to get started. Here’s how:

Get an education.

Education is the first step if you’re interested in a cybersecurity career. It’s important to understand that the cost of obtaining a degree can be high and time-consuming. In addition to paying for classes, you’ll need money for books and other supplies and transportation costs if your campus isn’t within walking distance of home.

In addition to financial considerations, there are other things to consider when deciding whether or not it’s worth pursuing higher education:

  • Getting into college might be difficult or impossible due to limited slots available at certain schools (this will vary by state). If this happens, consider another option—a community college may offer courses similar enough to prepare you adequately for entry into the industry after graduation while also being affordable enough so that they won’t break your bank account!
  • Many colleges require students to take prerequisites before starting their master’s program; these could include calculus or statistics classes which might not interest everyone who wants them (or aren’t necessary).

Seek out community.

The best way to start your cybersecurity career is by building a community of like-minded people. It can be as simple as posting on social media, creating an online forum, or meeting in person with other enthusiasts is possible.

When you first join the community and ask questions, remember that everyone has different experiences and skillset—so don’t be afraid to share yours! It’s also helpful if you have some knowledge in the field; this will help others see why you’re qualified for specific jobs within security or IT (information technology).

Set goals and map a career path.

To start, setting goals and mapping a career path are essential. It will help you determine what skills and experience you need for your chosen field.

  • Goals: Define what you want from this career path and how much time it will take to achieve them. For example, if you’re interested in working at a cybersecurity firm or government agency, be specific about your future job location (e.g., in San Francisco or Washington).
  • Career Path: Map out how far along the road towards your goal(s) each stage is on; i

Hone your skills by working on projects or consulting.

If you want to get your foot in the door with a cybersecurity firm, it’s best to hone your skills before you start looking for a job. Gain skills by working on projects or consulting with other companies. There are also plenty of different ways to get involved in cyber security without having an actual job at any given company; one option is volunteering.

Suppose you’re interested in learning more about cybersecurity but need help figuring out where to start. In that case, plenty of online resources offer beginners guides and explanations on various aspects of this field (such as ethical hacking). You could also read books written by experts who have worked in this field over time—or take online courses through universities or institutes worldwide!

Consider job shadowing opportunities in your industry.

Job shadowing is a great way to get a taste of what it’s like to work in cybersecurity. It also allows you to see how the industry operates and what roles are available within it. Suppose you are interested in pursuing a career as a cybersecurity professional. In that case, job shadowing can help guide your decision-making by giving insight into what jobs exist and which companies often hire them.

Job shadow opportunities aren’t limited to the tech industry; many other sectors have similar options on their terms through their networks or websites (e.g., Google Internships). You can also access online programs that allow professionals from multiple fields—like marketing and public relations—to participate in internships while sharing knowledge about each other’s work environments at different companies around town!

People that want to start a cybersecurity career should know what cybersecurity is, learn about the different fields within cybersecurity, find a community of people to help them along the way, create a goal, and be willing to put in the work.

  • Cybersecurity is a broad field, and it’s growing.
  • You can apply cybersecurity to many industries, such as healthcare and retail.
  • It requires a lot of knowledge and skill.


If you’re interested in starting a cybersecurity career, this article is for you! We hope that it has provided some insight into what it takes to get where you want to go and how you can do so confidently. We also hope that when we say “community” here, we mean something more than just the people around us—it should be everyone who wants to make sure that their online lives are secure and private.


