Tag: dfir

  • Network forensics

    Network forensics is collecting, analyzing, and interpreting digital evidence from network infrastructure and network traffic for investigative or legal purposes. Network forensic analysis focuses on uncovering information related to network activities, identifying potential security incidents, and gathering evidence to support investigations. This field of digital forensics is commonly carried out by incident response teams, cybersecurity…

  • Aisle to DigitalĀ Forensics

    Introduction I’ve always been a big believer in mentorship. It’s something I’ve seen work in my own career, and it’s something that I want our students to experience as well. Mentoring allows students to learn from someone who has already made it through the trenches of working in this industry. It can help them avoid pitfalls many others have experienced before…

  • DFIR addict

    DFIR Addict Introduction I’m a DFIR addict. The DFIR journey for me has been life-changing and a fantastic experience to share with others. Every time the event log is processed on the endpoint, I feel anxiety and excitement. When you first start, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of events and their…